Welcome Team!

My name is SGT. Jason "Mayhem" Scowden, I am a Husband, Father, Brother,and Son, as well as a shooter, tactician, and a Veteran of the US Army. My main role in the military was communications. While I was extremely good comms, which is critically important to success, I was equally proficient in my battle drills. Shoot, move, and communicate was the name of the game. With 22 months of combat experience in Afghanistan, I brought those lessons back home. I could have stayed in IT after getting out. But I knew my calling was in a different path, so I decided to us my experience to help others. 

One thing that I realize though, in the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen, we didn't just focus on shooting. We learned about movement, medical, survival, combatives, communications, fitness, leadership, teamwork, and so much more. So, the goal of Mayhem Defense is to bring some of that aspect to the average person. Now the goal is to accomplish this in the most cost-effective manner. So, part of what we will do, is try as much as possible, stay budget friendly. 

For all the gear and equipment we use and test, go to the supply tab for the links to get it for yourself. Welcome to the family, we look forward to training with you and growing together. Don't forget to go into the Training Area to get some good free printable targets, drills, and more. The Tactical Operations Center (TOC) has the Mission Board, and current Situation Report (SitRep). Stand Ready and Stay Prepared! 

Sarge Mayhem Out!

NCOIC/ Mayhem Defense